Toronto Sun: Designers Create Fashion Forward Prosthetic Limbs
“The first time McCauley Wanner had a conversation about prosthetics with an amputee she remembers being shocked that there were no options available. When she suggested that there could be alternatives to the cold, medical and impersonal nature of prosthetic limbs, “he was shocked that there could be options.”
Along with her co-founder, Ryan Palibroda, Wanner set out to create unique, personal designs. Their first prototypes were made out of paper, wire, carbon fibre; whatever they could get their hands on to bring their vision to life.
“We made it out of everything until we came up with the material and shape and the process that we have now,” said McCauley.
Seven years later they’re well beyond those early prototypes with their company, Alleles Design Studio, where they are creating fashion forward prosthetic leg covers for their customers.”
Written by Kathryn McKenzie for The Toronto Sun
Read the full article here.